An Early Action Protocol (EAP) aims to mitigate the impact of predicted events such as typhoons, floods or droughts by enabling the release of funding to execute pre-agreed early action before the event (a mechanism called Forecast-Based Financing). 510 can help set up EAPs together with National Societies.​

The IBF Portal visualizes and disseminates information that supports the operational decision making of disaster managers. A trigger model, which is used in the portal, is developed to determine at what threshold the EAP should be activated.​

The EAP is developed collaboratively with all organizations and communities involved to decide on what appropriate anticipatory action to undertake. 

“The Early Action Protocol is a cornerstone in our anticipatory action and early response activities. It enables us to proactively support our communities, alleviating the impacts of drought and floods.” 

Wina Wina, Disaster Risk Management Lead at the Zambia Red Cross Society