Picture this: Your local news broadcast warns of an incoming storm that could lead to flooding in the coming days. Simultaneously, these concerns are confirmed by your National Society’s Impact-Based Forecasting (IBF) Portal, a digital platform designed to help you make timely decisions that save lives by providing crucial warnings about an impending disaster’s impact, up to five days before it occurs. Informed by real-time data, the IBF Portal enables you to effectively mitigate evolving extreme weather events. The portal can also pinpoint at-risk infrastructure, facilitating tailored solutions to address the specific challenges and needs of each community.

Protecting Lives with Anticipatory Action
Once activated, the IBF Portal warns of heavy rainfall leading to flooding in four neighbourhoods within your city, and recommends several anticipatory actions your National Society can carry out to protect lives, livelihoods and infrastructure. Together, you and fellow National Society staff and volunteers:

Enabling Communities To Protect Themselves
You deploy the Digital Engagement Hub (DEH), a helpdesk which facilitates multi-channel communication between humanitarian actors and people affected. Using DEH, you send alerts to affected communities to warn them of the disaster’s potential impact and provide them with instructions on where to evacuate.