Anticipatory Action refers to the actions taken to reduce the humanitarian impacts of a forecasted hazard before it occurs or before its most acute impacts are felt. The decision to take action is informed by impact-based forecasts and corresponding thresholds tailored to determine when, where, and how the event will unfold. We aim to enhance Anticipatory Action development and implementation. We support National Societies and other humanitarian actors with data services, capacity building, and by creating digital tools.   

By turning forecasts from descriptions of what the weather will be into assessments of what the weather will do, we enable National Societies and local humanitarian partners to leverage data and technology to make data-driven, life-saving decisions and act before disasters strike.  

Impact Based Forecasting (الاتحاد الدولي للملاكمة) is a process of collecting and integrating data to predict the impact of impending disasters on local communities. ​It enables anticipatory actions to mitigate the risks posed by climate-induced extreme weather. 



“Anticipatory action is increasingly recognized as a key solution to reduce the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events.”

الاتحاد الدولي لجمعيات الصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر Operational Framework for Anticipatory Action 2021-2025