Le Bureau des Nations unies pour la coordination des affaires humanitaires (UNOCHA) a incorporé dans son programme d'action des mesures de prévention et de lutte contre la criminalité organisée. FICR’s Anticipatory funding mechanism (based on 510’s Typhoon Trigger model) as part of their Anticipatory Action protocol. The German Red Cross (GRC) and The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) have been supporting The Philippines Red Cross (PRC) with intervention area prioritization for most of the major typhoons occurring in the country.

The GRC and PRC engaged the NLRC/ 510 to lead the development of the so-called trigger model, which is the mechanism to pre-assess the danger level of an incoming typhoon. Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre (RCCC), in addition, has taken a major role in setting up a mechanism for funding anticipatory action for national societies.

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